1981-1982 Yearbook

Looking In • • SENIORS - 128 The last season is winter and to the seniors that means leaving the life of a student to start a new life-cycle as a career person. JUNIORS - 148 Entering the autumn of Harding, there is a briskness in the air as the juniors get to work on their majors and begin making plans for the future. SOPHOMORES - 160 The Harding summer (sophomore year) is a time of making the transition from being awed by the wonder of a freshman spring to the settling down to business of the junior's autumn. FRESHMEN - 172 As with the coming of vitality and newness in the spring, the freshmen come to Harding. 126 - Classes Division • SECOND SEMESTER STUDENTS - 184 Caught between seasons, these students are always a little behind or just a bit ahead of the "regular season" students. CHRISTIAN COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM - 188 Members of the CCP study to go out and preach the Word in season and out. GRADUATE STUDENTS - 189 Like the last cold before spring officially arrives. graduate students stay at Harding for one more year before they begin their careers. 1. DENISE Mosby, Mary McMinn, Teresa Robinson, and Patty Bryant keep warm as winters cold surrounds them. 2. THE first (alien leaf - can football, sweaters, and cool weather be {ar behind? 3. A RING of {lowers heralds the coming of spring. 4. SLEEVELESS dresses are a great way {or Bobbi Stroud to keep cool during summer's heat.