1981-1982 Yearbook

September and early October was filled with fluctuating weather, which brought out the premature wearing of winter sweaters and jackets. As Cross Country season opened, the harriers added a women's team to their forces. Students came out In full force to support the Bison Football Team at their first home game this season on September 26. The student body heard Juice Newton In concert and the annual "Hilarity" was held, giving many students chances for participation In unusual and fun games and contests. Open House and mixers gave freshmen and transfer men and women a chance to visit all the social clubs to help them In their decision of which to pledge. The possibility of an outbreak of measles brought the students face·to·face with an all schoollnnoculatlon clinic. October brought about all manners of ghosts, goblins and unusual creatures - and It was not even Halloween yet! Pledge Week began the month with fun times promised to all. Many visitors and alumni traveled to the campus for Fall Lectureship, the World Mission Workshop and HomecomIng, which were held on three consecutive weekends. October turned, like the leaves on a tree, Into November - and November Into December. Finals were upon the students. It seemed that hardly any time had passed since they had arrived at school. After finals, students traveled to their homes In anticipation of home cooking and relaxation with friends and relatives over the Christmas holiday. 1. WHILE on a biking excursion with their parents, Kenny and Sari Williams enjoy riding through a puddle. 2·5. SIX Flags Over Texas hired Mark Evans and Ricky Qualls last summer to entertain at the Southern Palace. Here they perform "Next to Loving I Like Flghtln' Best." 6. WES Figgins finds a calm place on campus to enjoy his music. 7. THE Dating Game gave Bachelorettes Kelly Van Patter, Jan Coker, and Teresa Robinson a chance to win the heart of some lucky bachelor. 8. "TWINKLING" Zeta Rho member Mitzi Thompson brightens someone'. day with a wave and a smile. 8 Intloduttlon