1980-1981 Yearbook

ed the ABC Conference for Teachers of Biology held in Conway. T he main purpose of the Premed Club was to help the premedicine student ''learn the ropes" of getting into medical school, Dan Dawson, former member of the club said. The Harding group. which concentrates on preparation for the medical college admissions test, has had tremendous success in student applications. For the past several years, 65 percent of the Harding students who have applied have been accepted into medical school. of the various health service clubs on campus with 75 active members. There were also pre-dent and pre-vet clubs, and many times all of the groups met togeth~r_ for speakers or special programs. The pre-med club took part in numerous activities in an attempt to prepare the students for their desired profession. Former pre-med students were brought in to explain applications and testing. Area doctors such as Dr. Jim Citty were also called upon to explain 'the average doctor's day." Medical people outside of Searcy also shared their ex- "We have simply tried to prepare and advise our students through visiting professionals. graduates and tours of medical facilities_" - Tom Cammack This is compared to the national average of only 42 percent. Dr. Don England, chairman of the premed advisory committee, said, "I think out percentage could be increased a little bit if our students r~alized the value of the pre-med club. i'ni "not really interested in it being a big splash on campus or anything like that. But [ am interested in seeing it serve student Q-eeds. " pertise in the area of medicine. "1 think. some students decide they don't want to be a doctor after they hear others talk about what it is really like," added England. "We have simply tried to prepare and advise our students through visiting professionals, graduates and tours of medical facilities," Tom Cammack, student president summarized. _ f)on Hulluml The pre-med club was the largest - Mike Childs and Skip Bradli!y RONALD DORAN, Assistant Professor of Biology, rushes off to class. Ronald Doran, MA - Assoc. Prof. Mlcbael Plummer, PhD - Asst. Prof. Bryce Roberson, PhD - Prof. WilHam Rusblon, MA - Assoc. Prof. Jack Wood Sean, PhD - Chairman, Prof. Georxe Woodruff, EdD - Prof. 93 Arts and Sciences-Biological Science