1980-1981 Yearbook

58 "From Spelunkers to President Ganus" is a vivid, accurate description of the Scholars section. The diversification of the section is what makes it so unique. The section is headed up by our dedicated administration whose sole purpose is to serve the Lord and Harding. Because of men like Dr . Ganus, Dr. Carr. and "Dr. Joe." Harding University is known around the world for its outstanding academic and spiritual education . Oftentimes unnoticed are the Staff members that support and undergird the whole Harding community. Their roles range from secretary to the President to Maintenance Director. Each plays a vital role in serving Harding and are equal in importance. With the change of Harding College to Harding University came some structural changes . These included the three Schools - Business. Education. and Nursing along with the College of Arts and Sciences. Facuity. special interest groups, and honor societies are included in these four major divisions. As editor of the Scholars section, I feel my education has been greatly enhanced by my interactions with the people presented here in thi s section. So if you are looking for Dr. Ganus, Spelunkers, or A Cappella, LOOK INSIDE! - Lora Fleener, Section Editor Scholars Introduction