1980-1981 Yearbook

could have culminated in a front Jawn wedding, like that of Roy Barnes and Barbara Jones. From May Fete Queens to Bugs Bunny. the front lawn was the site for crownings and cartoons. It was the part of the campus that became a part of everyone. Perhaps Debra Pope described it best as "a great place to play." The front lawn was indeed tht playground of Harding and on almost any given day, one could observe the lawn and perceive that there was still a little kid in all of us. _ Suzanne Johnston. Wendy Zeigler, Kay Williams _. Chmllll,hrr "Th""'l'lIHl 1. . "/ THINK we should hove roked them up a little deeper, " observe two mischie\lous young men as they dive into their leafy lair. 2 ONE freestyle flinger on "Frisbee Fla(ts" discovers that agility is the key 10 impressing the perusers oj his skill. 3. SAND WleH· ED between a pile of girls, Bond Stewart, (appropriately named), enjoys the benefits of the summer campus postlime; sidewalk sitling. 4. MUSIC doesn't always soothe the savage beast, Chip Green notes as he tries to serenade his puppy Honey. , .