1980-1981 Yearbook

SIGN: CHAMPIONSH~P In basebali, Philadelphia dominated. The Phillies defeated the Kansas City Royals 4-1 in their last game to capture the World Series crown for the first time in their 98 years of existence. Tug McGraw struck out Willie Wilson, the potential winning run for the Royals, to end the Series. McGraw remained cool and said ahout the effort in striking out Wilson, "I looked for a way to muster up some gusto." McGraw is the master of the screwball, an often unpredictable pitch, but he struck out Wilson with a completely different pitch. "The chances were that Wilson would be looking for a breaking pitch, so I purposely slowed my motion in the beginning, then popped it at the finish." LEFT: PHILADELPHIA PHILUES leap for jubilation after de/eating the Kansas City Royals in the final game of the World Series. The crown is the first ever for the PhiJJies. _ Wide World Photos SIGN: VIOLENCE The brutal assasination of former Beatie John Lennon hauntingly reminded us of the nearly forgotten turbulent 60's. In that decade, Lennon chanted "Give peace a chance" with Yoko his wife protesting the Vietnam War. The Lennon of the 70's was a proclaimed athiest, fighting for a variety of disparate causes. The 80's found him a house-husband who tucked his five-year old son, Sean, into bed every night telling him to say his prayers. The world mourned John Lennon. The British press lashed out at America and lax gun laws. Over 500,000 gathered in Central Park to mourn Lennon's death and nearly half that number mourned outside the Dakota Building burning candles and singing ••All You Need Is Love." Traver Hulse, an Oklahoma City disc jockey, observed, "It was like losing a President." Radio stations across the nation and Europe spread the news, playing nothing but music by the Beatles and Lennon. Even Radio Moscow played ninety minutes non-stop of Lennon's music. •'Some people are saying that this is the end of an era," Yoko commented, "but what we said before still stands - the 80's will be a beautiful decade. John loved and prayed for the human race. Please do the same for him." BELOW: ONE of the last photos taken of former Beatie John Lennon and his wife, Yoko, before his death. An irate fan shot and killed Lennon outside his New York City apartment. - Wide World PhOIOS 47 World News