1980-1981 Yearbook

1. PREPARING to d.f.nd th.ir gool, Ihe Bisons set up a strong front line against the Muleriders' offense. 2 STANDING m:oud and erect, Kevin /cenberg plays "The Battle Hymn 0/ the Republic" during Ihe hal/time show. 3. "THE FRESHMEN get younger every year, " comment spec~ lotors as they spy Stella and Matthew Kreh, past andjulure students o[Hording. 4. FEIGNING embarrassment, Steve Awtry greets parade viewers. 5. FIRST'PRIZE for /loats goes 10 AI· pha Omega for the "Daydreams" expanSion 0/ the "Dreaming 1980's Style" homecoming theme. 6. "STRA WBERRY Shortcake, Huckle· berry Pie V-/-C-T-O-R-Y!" whooped faculty cheerbillies Virgil Lawyer and Jimmy Carr. 43 Homecoming