1980-1981 Yearbook

1. SA OFFICERS. Richey, Shirley, Smith. 2 FBLA. Front Row: Hansen, Mathis, Alexander, Jones, Pryor. Second Row: Pillman, Shirley. Alston, Ballinger, Flippin. Third Row: Mrs. Groover-sponsor, Henderson, Campbell, Finley, McCoy. Fourth Row: White, Howell, Smith, Gibson, Miss The work of the Student Association Executive Council began immediately in August with the traditional mixer to incorporate new students. Mr. Craig Jones provided intriguing entertainment with the help of some Academy students. When Christmas time rolled around, a smaller tree was selected by the S.A. for decoration in the library because of the move to the new school. A retreat was sponsored by the S.A. again in late October. Mr. Jopes commented. "It was the best retreat Harding Academy has had since I've been here." Later within the school year the Council met to discuss revision of the voting procedures. Arnold-sponsor. 3. SA REPRESEN· TAT/YES. Front Row: Burks. Segraves, Richey. Smith. Second Row: Miss Browning-sponsor, George, Picker, Shirley. Curry. Collins. Spears. Back Row: Mr. Jonessponsor, O'Brien, McCoy. The Future Business Leaders of America have goal s which they endeavor to reach each year. Those who compete in contests strive to excel in their particular area. FBLA members competed in several contests thi s year. The County meet was held at the VoTech School in Searcy. Next, the group travelled to Conway in March for the District 5 contest. Those placing in the District meet went to the State meet in Little Rock. The experience gai ned in these competitions is very valuable and unique to those who participated. 327 Special Interests