1980-1981 Yearbook

4 - JI/II Murphr 1. DA VID REDDING rifles a backhand to his opponent while standing on the baseline. 2. RETURNING a volley, Scot! Dawkins warms up before a match. 3. TENNIS TEAM. Fronl Row: Ballenger, Fowler, Redding, Carstens, Wood, Moore. Back Row: S. Dawkins, E. Dawkins, Mannen, Kel1erl Kelley, Ulrey, Elliott-Coach. 4. WITH all ejjdrt toward rerurning the ball, Sam Moore backhands a deep shot. 5. FOL· LOWING through with his swing, SCOfl Carstens exemplifies a perfect overhand return. Success Becomes A Habit David Elliott The 1980 tennis season not only brought high honors for the team, it brought honors for the coach as well. David Elliott, the Bison tennis coach, was selected Ale Coach of the Year by the conference coaches. Coach Elliott, with an air of modesty, said, "It's an honor but it's really nothing." Elliott commented on the success of the 1980 squad, saying, "All in aU. we had an outstanding season. We peaked at the right time and beat people that we had lost to twice previously." Coach Elliott carries a philosophy that he tries to impress on his players. HFirst, they must represent Harding properly. To do that they must have the proper perspectiv~ on things such as their religion, themselves and me. Secondly, they must give all of the effort they can. This has never been a probM Jem." Although only in his eighth year at Harding. Elliott has a long tennis background. From 1965 to 1969, he played on the Bison squad and was on the Ale championship teams his junior and senior years. Both of those years he competed in the NAJA nationa) championships. In 1969. he was selected as the Scholar-Athlete Award winnero - Ken Bissell RUNNING the time clock for the UCA basketball game, Coach Ellio{{ looks to check the score. - Courtesy 0/ PublkifY OffiCi' 309 Tennis