Talk About 7 Bowling Peaks, Valleys Fill Bowling Season The Harding bowlers faced victory and sadness in the paradoxical year that was 1980. Harding's bowling team dominated the Ale again, but lost one of its ~op bowlers in a car accident while representing Harding in intercollegiate competition for possibly the last time ever on the bowling lanes. Harding captured its seventh consecutive Ale championship by tallying a total pinfall of 22,674 and a 1,956 lead over secondplace finisher Ouachita Baptist University. With Mike Bedwell averaging 199. the Harding Keglers won their fifteenth Ale championship in the last .18 seasons. Bedwell was followed in the Ale race by five other Harding bowlers: Danny Campbell, Bob Lee, Taro Fujisawa and Dale McCarthy. Also in the AIC top ten were Jason Davis, Rich Hiley and Ken Dorsey, giving Harding a total of eight of the top IO bowlers. In the Southern International Bowling Conference (SIBC), Harding finished second. Mike Bedwell set an SIBC record by averaging 194 over 45 games. Danny Campbell tied the old mark of 188. Bedwell also rolled the si ngle highest game ever for a Harding student in the SIBC - 276 - against Arkansas State University. An even greater achievement was racked I. BISON KEGLER Taro Fujisawa uses extra body language to influence his shot. 2. BOWLING TEAM. Front Row: 1. Bedwell, M. Bedwell, Burt-Coach, Davis, McCarthy. Second Row: up by Mike's brother, freshman Jonathan Bedwell, who set a school and conference record by tossing a 757 three-game series. His games for the set were 269-222-266. Tragically though, Jonathan , who had often talked of turning professional, died on March 3 from injuries he sustained in an autpmobile accident near Searcy. He was 19 and second in the AIC at the time. The team managed, however, to have a successful season and looked forward to another great season this year outside of the Ale. The 1980 team , however , looked as though it would be the last bowling team Harding would field for a long while. With the death of bowling in the AIC, Harding keglers were unable to find competition close enough to Searcy to make bowling feasible, coach Ed Burt said. "I just couldn't see driving to Louisiana every weekend, It said Burt. "We'd have spent about half our time driving ... We've had a winner about every year. It's kind of sad in a way. All of a sudden there's nothing left. But I could see this coming." Burt said that the AIC dropped bowling competition because the administrations of the other schools were not interested in spending the necessary money for their respective bowling programs. Hiley, McKinney, Fujisawa, Lee, Campbell, Dorsey. 3. A HIGH !ollow-through aids bowler Bob Lee as he sends the ball pin ward. 298 Bowling / bowling 1980 Ale BOWLING RESULTS 'HARDING UNIVERSITY Ouachita Baptist University Arkansas Tech Uni versity 22,674 20,718 19,946 - C(Jflrfesy of Pllblkily Off/«