1980-1981 Yearbook

266 Theta Tau Theta Tau and Tri Sigs _ Jim Murphy Clubs Excel in Sports Once again, Tri Sigs and Theta Tau demonstrated their sports enthusiasm to the campus. Tri Sigs was the only girls club with enough participation to field two softball teams. They won only one game, but that might have been attributed to the fact that each team could play only half a game. Theta Tau won A softball, A and B football, took second place in A and B volleyball and carried off the championship trophy in C volleyball. President John Thee stated his clubs goals as •'growing closer ..... A new constitution was written to strengthen and encourage club unity." He added, "We're going to get the All-Sports trophy back." After winning it for seven years in a row, they lost it last year. In September a picnic at Wyldewood was planned. The members played frisbee and football, then hiked down to the river, where - on the spur of the moment - they decided to walk a log out to the middle of the river. The afternoon was ended with a short softball game. Tri Sigs organized weekly dorm devos so that the club members in each dorm could become better acquainted. They also had prayer sisters. Service was an important part of club life. Theta Tau donated money to help the Herman Brown family celebrate Thanksgiving. Tri Sigs adopted a grandmother, Mrs. Lashlee, who accepted visits and help with her housework. In turn, she has taught some of the girls how to crochet and make afghans. According to member Elaine Darrah. "she has been quite a blessing to us." 1. TRl·SIGS. I. Watson 2. GoatMoscot 3. Goetting 4. Kemp S, Sapio 6. Land 7. Darrah 8. Henley 9. S. Smith 10. Hoggard II. A. Evans 12. Burkett-Sponsor 13. Folconberry 14. Alley 15. Roberts 16 Gordon 17. Townsend 18. Green 19. Olive 20. Jarvis 2 J. Fitzgerald 22. Harmon 23. Florence 24. Davidson 25. Lemmons 26. Abney 27. Rouse 28. L. Evans 29. Pace 30. Moore 31. Cas/Ie 32. Miller 33. Stretch 34. Uhlich 3.5. Whitfield 36. Rice 37. Elrod 38. Cole 39. Harding 40. Montgomery4J. C. Smith 42. R. Smith 43. Nichols 44. Bates 45. Stewart 46. Allard 47. Cooper 48. Lamb 49. McKee 50. Teferriller 51. Upton 52. Billingsley 53. Killen 1. PROYING to be a valuable asset to Theta Tau volleyball, Allan Kwasiborske goes up fur a spike. 3,·5. TAKING advantage of a welcome break during practice, Susan Killen gives Janet Landafewpointers. 6. THETA TAU. I. Bates-Vice-President 2. DavidsonQueen 3. Castle-Queen 4. PerryTreasurer 5. Butler 6. Thee-President 7. Riggins 8. Burke 9. Chelton 10. Gross II. Green 12. Rossio 13. Rosser 14. Wright-Secretary /5. Beam 16. Alexander 17. Lambeth /8. Chavez 19. Chism 20. Frakes 2 I. Counts 22. Futrell 23. Corter 24. Thomas 25. Cloninger 26. Kwasiborske 27. Fields 28. Clayton 29. Sullivan 30. Spurlock 3/. Pearson 32. Crain 33. Anderson 34. Langley 35. James-Sponsor 7. WATCHING allentively, Terri Harmon and Cindy Nichols stand by to asist Laura Moore relurn the volley. 8. SUCCESSFULLY outreaching his opponent, Phil Corler laps the baJJ 10 so/ely. _1