I. THE KICKOFF is received by Don Alessio as Jack Smilh looks on during Sub T's 42·6 romp over Mohawks. 2- "THE Gong Show" as presented by Stan Chapman and Jon; Or' before capacity Spring Sing '80 crowds. 1 SUB T. I. Hounsel-Queen 2. Gammill-Skipper 3. Chapman-First Male 4. Baldwin- Yeomon 5. French· Quartermaster 6. Ney-Queen 7. Blutarski 8. Lockhart 9. Long /0. FUlrell ll. P. Lester·Queen 12. D. Lester 13. Combs /4. Alessio 15. H. Johnson 16. Treece 17. Reece Ih. refer/iller /9. Hatcher 20. P. Garnell 21. Dossell 22. Garvin 23. Stacey 24. Hopper 25. Myers 26. Cox 27. Sloan 28. M. Gornell 29. Hendricks 30. Pelrey J/. Landry 32. Harris 33. Holt 34. Ballenger 35. Bryant 36. Anderson 37. Boatright 38. Holliman 39. D. Johnson 40. Fraley 41 . Smilh 42. Peacock 43. McBrayer 44. Norton 45. Gage 46. Titlow 47. Colson 48. White 49. Pryor 50. Bryant 5/. Branum 52. Hendrix 53. Beck' 54. Franks 55. Eades 56. Mitchell 57. Massey 58. Warren 59. Cotham 60. Malone 6/. MacDonald 62. Slarret 63. Perry 64. Elam-Queen 65. Conolty 66. Wood 67. S. Hendricks 4. EXTENDING toward the jumpball. freshman K-K Davis reaches for control. 5. KO JO /(AI. /. Boyce-Treasurer 2. HefleySecrelary 3. Yoakam- Vice-President 4. Colglaz.ier-President 5. Davis 6. Brown 7. Alessio B. Adkins 9. PilkenIon /0. Woller II. Roberts 12. B. Musgrave 13. Elam 14. Brenda Hounsel 15. Green 16. Earnest 17. Dunkerson lB. Yearwood 19. Schmidt 20. Camp 21. Gammil-Beau 22. Davis 23. Aaron-Beau 24. Highers 25. Chapman-Beau 26. Powers 17. Elrod 2B. Hall 29. Bell 30. Beverly Hounsel 31. Orr 32. Kidd 33. Johnson-Sponsor 34. Burleson 35. Honey 36. Coker 37. Swink 38. Schwartz. 39. Miller 40. A. Musgrave 41. Lester 42. Van Palfer 43. Williams 44. Davis 45. Madden 46. Goy 47. Morton 48. Browning 49. Morgan 50. Smilh 51. LeFevre. 265 KoJoKai