1980-1981 Yearbook

224 Intertwining Introduction 1. LAMBDAS Jock Rawlings and Alex Ray show appreciation/or queen Pam Ltiferney at a mixer. 1. ON the walch jar TNT pledgemosters. pledge ScOll Nance looks apprehensively around the student center. 3. WA/TING for his turn, a Special Olympics participant sizes up the com~ petition with the assislonce oj Kappa Delta member Tami Jones. 4. A rr; Sigs pyramid can be found anywhere there Ofe Tr; Sigs. even at women '5 club open house. 5. FINDING that a /ootball gome is an exhilarating way 10 pass the afternoon are Mohicans and Sub T. - Christophtr Thompson