1980-1981 Yearbook

Alpha Chi Cultus Twice each year. selected Harding students have the opportunity to view a real live cult. These people burn candles, recite phrases, receive a symbol (could it be the mark of the beast), and receive their instructions. A robed man presides over the ceremony, and is assisted by two men, their faces all in the glow of flickering candles. Before you caU home or report a new cult to Ed Sanders, Jet it be known that the above mentioned is out of proportion. These things happen, but not within a cult. Jt is the installation of new members into Alpha Chi. The candlelight ceremony is to impress on the students the need to search for knowledge and truth. The lighting of their candles shows the realization of the beginning of knowledge, not the end. If you have a chance to observe the next installation, please do so. Hopefully you can be one of those to light a candle. If not. at least you'll understand the pictures in the yearbook. - Clark Roush '- - Ih!l/ ""I/Uti" 1. A FIRING squaa? No, the future members of Alpha Chi wail paliently for their (urn in (he induclion ceremony. 2. SPONSOR Dr. Don England congrafulates a new inductee. J. ANOTHER step in the induction ceremony is depicted by the lighting of candles. Marcella K. Salmon - Special Education Dennis Sandt'rs - Computer Applic. & Biblical Lang. David Thomas Sayle - Nursing Gary Steve Selby - Social Science Ale-x Dale Shelton - Accounting Sara Anne Sheridan - Music Jon Alan Sherrod - Biology Edith Melinda Simpson - Music Education Susan ROChelle Skipper - Mathematics Carol Ann Smilh - Accounling Eugene S. Smilh III - Chemistry & Mathematics Lois ~n Smilh - French Randall J . SmUh - Accounting Slanlt'y J. Smith - Elemenlary Education Sleven Lee Smilh • Music John Randal Sianley - Accounting Jacki Jeanelle Sturgeon - Elementary Educat ion Daniel Phillip Summers - Accounting Elaine M. SUIIOR - Special Education Julie L)·nn Swan - Speech Dt-nnis A. Swayne· Social Science Janel L. Tallman - Eleme ntary Education Richard Paul Teixeira - Accounting John Henry Thee, Jr. - General Science Robert Cliflon Thompson - Drama Joyce- Annelle Tucker· Speech Therapy Tamara Suzanne Tucker - Biology David A. Verret - Dible James H. Wamack, Jr. - Chemistry Wendy Suzanne Waterman - Elemenlary Education Lori Jenel Wells· French Harold E. West - AccouOling Mark Charles Wilmoth - Accounting Gary Paul Wihmn - Music Sandra Kay Wilson· Office Administration Kalherine Wood· English Melissa Jane Word - Nursing David Lynn Wrighl - Musk Gregory S. York - Biblical languages Mark Renzo Zutcolo - International Trade 155 Alpha Chi