1980-1981 Yearbook

140 Memphis native, Monty Lynn was a psychology and social work double major, and a chaplain for TNT social club. He was a member of Psi Chi. the National Association of Christians in Social Work, and was the Spiritual Life Committee chairman for the Student Association in 1980. He also paTlicipated in intercollegiate swimming. Who'. Who Melanie McMillen, a psychology major, in addition to editing the 1981 Petit Jean edited the Psychology Bulletin and worked .as a Bison reporter for the Student Association. She was awarded membership in Psi Chi, Sigma Tau Delta, and the Society of Collegiate Journalists. Melanie was involved in Young Republicans, Biology Club and was a member of Alpha Chi. She sang in A Cappella, the Women's Ensemble, and in two HomecomM ing musicals: "Brigadoon" and "The Sound of Music." She was a member of Ka Re Ta social club. She was active on the S.A. Academic Affairs Committee. Speech major "Boo" Mitchell from Texarkana, Texas, was al.:tive in journalism, drama. and spee..:h. Boo was associate editor for the Bi~on, wrote the ..:olumn "From The Inside Looking Out," and was a member of Sodety for Collegiate Journalist!t. Boo panidp.ucd in inter..:ollegiate debate, Forensics, and several one-act plays. He was a member of TNT social club, Pi Kappa Delta, and served on the S.A. Movie Committee. Boo saY!t he has plam. for the fUlUrc I.:on- ..:crning hi!' major. "With my speel.:h major I plan on being unemployed." A transfer student from Alabama ChriSM tian College, Beth Parker majored in English and Journalism. Beth served as historian of Kappa Phi. president of Sigma Tau Delta, Vice president of the Public relations club, was a member of the Petit Jean staff, Society for Collegiate Journalists, Student National Education Association and acted as editor of the Bison her senior year. A native of Monroe, Georgia, Beth plans to teach in high school, possibly write for a newspaper or magazine and ultimately become, lOa free-lance writer sharing with others the humor, the insights, and the growth in simple living. Whatever I do is my service to God." A special education major from An~ chorage, Alaska. Pam was very active dur M ing her Harding years. On the Dean's List four years, she was also a member of Alpha Chi. She participated in Iowa campaigns, was a member of Campus Players. Dramatics, Reader's Theater, and was selected best supporting actress twice. She was senior women's S.A. class representative, and was secretary of the S.A. Spiritual Life Committee. Also active in JOY, Kappa Delta Pi and Chorale, Pam is known for being an effective member of anything she joins. ======:::11