1980-1981 Yearbook

- Don Holland 1. KHCA DIRECTORS. Brant, Thompson, Black, Reeves, Chilton, Matthews, Dockery, Mansur. 2. FACULTY SPONSORS for KHCA, Billy Brant listens to student-operated K720. 3. CAMPUS PLA YERS. Front Row: MiJler-sponsor, Parker-sponsor, Bartlett. Milstead, Cody, Swan, Oguro, Cannan. Walker, Uebelein. Back Row: Perkins, Wallace. Thomson, Brenton. Brant. Morris, Moore. 4. KHCA. Front Row: Brown, Riley. Matthews, Gulley, Vail, Rowland, Coble. Second Row: Alexander, Conkling, Chilton, Veley, Dockery. Berry, Reid, Wallace. Back Row: Peebles, Black, Lotane. Childress, Austin, Thompson, Crain, Mansur, Brant-sponsor. - Christopher Thompson - ( 'llu , "'p/l('r 111"'''1' ' ' 111 DISC JOCKEY Tim Alexander brings campus students the mos/ popular music. 127 Arts and Sciences - Speech and Drama