1980-1981 Yearbook

Psychology Department Focuses on Graduate Study - Don Holland Providing the didactic teaching and field experiences for students pursuing a major in social work was a m~jor concern for the Department of Sociology and Social Services. Nearing the third year of the maximum four-year initial accreditation given to a social work program by the Council on Social Work Education, the Department began outlining plans for the reevaluation self-study report Cbarles JOiner, MSSW - Ass!. Prof., Social Work Mary Shock, MSW - Ass!. Prof., Social Work Van Tale, PhD - Ass!. Prof., Sociology Bill D. Verkler, PhD - Chairman, Prof., Sociology - Don Holland that must be completed during the 198 I-S2 school year. Dr. Bill Verlder, Chairman of the Department, served as president of the Board of Directors of a Contact program in: Searcy started last spring by Shawn Baylis, a senior social work major. Contact involved Harding students in serving as telephone counselors for despondent or troubled. people in the area. Dr. VeJ;k1er also chaired a meeting dealing with needs of the community for facilties to work with the mentally retarded. Each semester, senior social work majors were required to plan, organize, and conduct a one-day workshop. The fall workshop was on "Depression and Self-Esteem" while the spring workshop was on "Male-Female Relationships ." In the spring of 1980, they were successful in obtaining a chapter of Alpha Delta Mu, national social work honor society. Junior and senior social work majors were members of the National Association of Christian Social Work Club. The Harding group, sponsored by Mark Shock, visited the Children's Colony in Conway and Southern Christian Home in Morrilton, undertook a service project to help underprivileged families in Searcy, and took a float trip down the scenic Buffalo River. Dr. Van Tate, a former missionary to Kenya, led a group of students on a campaign to Kenya for six weeks during the summer of 1980. After the campaign was over, he traveled through Asia and the Orient, visiting mission points and studying the culture of the countries. He completed a commentary on Acts written in both English and Swahili. He also attended a mission teachers' workshop in Dallas. I. ALPHA DELTA MU. Front Row: Joiner-Sponsor, Durgin. Ingram. Jones, Quillen, Pearson. 2. PSI CHI. Front Row: Blackard. McMillen. Second Row: Cochran. Rea, Straker. Smith. Back Row: Porter-Sponsore. Jackson, Williams, Clark, Calfi. 3. SOCIAL WORK CLUB. Front Row: Cole. Pearson, Summitt, Daniel, Honaker. Richards, Felphs, Aaron. Johnson. Second Row: Holden. Barnum, Pollard, Ingram, Danner, Chandler. Back Row: Joiner-Sponsor, Clegg. Durgin. Quillen, Jones. Rickard, Nichols. Scharnagel. Reese, Putman. 123 Arts and Sciences-Sociology