1980-1981 Yearbook

Arkansas State University and the University of Arkansas next year. Harding's PEMM Club undertook a number of activities in order to help the physical education majors and minors grow in their desired field. The club, spon· sored by Dr. Karyl Bailey and Phil Watkins, was involved in some traditional as well as new events. The club began its year with a get acquainted day at -Wyldewood. At this occasion, a softball game and weiner roast were followed by an evening devotional. In order to increase interest, the PEMM Club also sponsored a Su- - Jim Murphy perstars event. Approximately 50 people participated and awards were given individual event win· ners. Scott LeDoux won the overall award. A handball and racquetball tournament was the next activity of the year. This allowed the athletes to participate as well as learn. The traditional ski trip to the Rockies was taken over the spring break. The skiiers returned for their seCond consecutive year to Purgatory, Colorado. Other activities for the club were the annual lOO·inning soft· ball game, a coaching seminar in March and . a reception for the graduating seniors to close off the year. The club, which contains about 50 due-paying members, was a very important and fun one to those involved. Bailey com· mented, "The PEMM Club allow· ed me to meet the students on a more personal basis. I could have an informal influence when the kids were more themselves than in the classroom. Of all the things I was involved in on the Harding campus, this was the most en· joyable. " - Jimmy Allen 1. FENCING CLUB. Front Row: Matlhew. Finley. Morrison. Back Row: Ellis. England, Tullos-Sponsor, Rowan. Collin. 2. FENCING CLUB members demonstrate the art of fencing. 3. PEMM Gub. Front Row: Bailey·sponsor, Sloan, Griffen , Austin, Copeland, Stanley. Bock Row: Jenkins, Blue, Harmon, Pur· dom, S. Smith, H. Smith. Karyl Bailey, PhD - Assoc. Prof. Barbara Barnes. MAT - Assoc. Prof. Cecil Beck. MA - Assoc. Prof. John Boustead. MS - Ass!. Prof. Jesse Bucy. MSE - Assoc. Prof. Kathryn Campbell. MAT Assoc. Prof. Bob Corbin. MEd - Assoc. Prof. David E11loll. MAT - Ass!. Prof. Levester Gardner, Mr., MEd - Instructor Tom Ed Gooden. MAT - Instructor Rkhard Johnson. MEd - Ass!. Prof. Ted Lloyd. MS - Assoc. Prof. Wilton Marlin. EdD - Assoc. Prof. Harry 01.... EdD - Chairman, Prof. Ronnie Peacock. MAT - Instructor John Prock. MT - Assoc. Prof. Marjorie Ryan. MAT - Ass!. Prof. Phil Walkins. MEd - Ass!. Prof. 119 Arts and Sciences-Physical Education