1980-1981 Yearbook

I '" l -- " - Christopher Thomps(}n - Don Holland 3 - Jilll Murphy _ Jim Murphy - ( "h"""p.'wr I homl' ''''' - Jim Murphy 1. PETIT JEAN STAFF. Front Row: Thompson, Bradley, Holland, Taylor, Allen, Asbill, Pryor-sponsor, Bissell. Back Row: Albany. Coker, Murphy, McDivitt, Istre. Jones, Fleener, Ellis, Pryor, McMillen, Johns/on. 2. KNOWING rhe time, bur not rhe dare, Don Holland works in rhe darkroom around the clock. 3. A WEARY, but devoted editor, Melanie McMillen, decides what to do next. 4. JIMMY ALLEN writes at a fierce pace when rudely ;nterupted by trigger happy photographers. 5. SUSAN PRYOR'S concentration on her typing is not disturbed by the sound of the camera's shutter. 6. SECTION editors pose around the window of their "home away from home. " 7. DR. JOE and Melanie take a moment from the busy schedule to share lighthearted conversation. 8. COMFORT· ABL Y stretched out on the office floor, Jennifer Istre knows she is in for a long night's work. 99 Arts and Sciences-Petit Jean