90 Alpha Gamma Omega AGO f I i , AGO conducts singing workshop I nstituting a tradition , Alpha Gamma Omega began the year with a Wyldewood retreat to "pull ourselves together after the summer's vacation and to set goals to make the year one of service and fellowsh ip ," Presiden t Michael Cunningham stated. According to Cunningham, se rvice projects were the main goal of the club. In October AGO went with Chi Lambda Chi to th'e Southern Christian Home in Morrilton to visit with the children and to help in painting and "fixing '-. " the home. Fo. the third yea r, AGO members shared a Thanksgiving breakfast before vacation. In December they went Christmas caroling. When everyone returned from Christmas break , AGO gave the girls a hand by transporting luggage int o the dorms. In January AGO cooperated with the administration in conduct ing a "Sing Song" to teach new songs to the student body. AGO had out ings with Beta Tau and worked at the concession stand with Theta Psi during the Bison basketball season. Having taken third place in Spring Sing '79 with Chi Lambda Chi, AGO joined them again this year with the theme "Think Pink." fffi:l 1. STEVE WARNICK and Donnie McMahan show off their costumes at the AGO-Chi Lambda Halloween party. 2. ALPHA GAMMA OMEGA. 1. Rose 2 . Titlow 3. Cashatt-Queen 4. Caim 5. Tyree-Secretary 6. R . Clay 7. Cunningham-President 8. E. Smi th -Treasurer 9. Hill 10. Mont - gomery 11. Goree 12. M cKinzie 13 . Noe 14. L. Fair 15. Coma/ex 16. King 1 7. Flanary 18. Ham ilton 19. Peek 20. Holyfield 21 . Combs 22. CO/Vhf 23. York 24 . Sanders 25. Straker 26. Phillips 27. Vehon 28. Dismukes 29. Mansur 30. D. Clay 3 1. G. Fair 32. Harris 33. Piatt 34. Pettie 35. Dav is 36. Bell 37. Gerhart 38. Martin 39. Swearingen 40. Figgirls 41. Templeton 42. Froehlich 43 . Wamick 44. Houser 45. L. SmithQueen 46. Jonas 47. Ragland 48 , Shackelford -Sponsor 49. Geary 50. Se lbe 51. McMahan 52. JOlles 53. Rampton .