1979-1980 Yearbook

• iaculty and administrators alike. It took time for us to adjust to a change in what had become routine over a period of years. Our ruffled feathers were smoothed somewhat when we finally took OUf seats in that monstrosity that had been making us do all that changing, and with that first January assembly I we knew that we had arrived as a University - not just in name but also in spirit. NEW BEGINNINGS: We had two big ones in becoming a University and occupying Mount Benson, and both left the future wide open for growth. @ " LEfT: LEADING Ih. pack as students luve New Gym chapel, Jason Davis, Ronald lumpcik , E. C. Umberger and Glenn Gilley rush to meet their 9:45 a.m. classes on time . Located on the soulheast corner of the campus, the New Gym was the chapel site for juniors and seniors during the fall semester. LEfT, CONSTRUCTION Superintendent Chester Williams and two of his work· ers position the cen· ter steel beam for the roof of the George S. Benson Auditorium. Adorned with graf· fili , the beam was hoisted into place April 2, 1979. 7 A New Beginning 1