1979-1980 Yearbook

· - 1. PARTICIPATING in the annual pledges' chalk-blowing contest is Edwin Collins. 2. KAPPA DELTA. ' 1. Downham 2. Penrod-Beau 3. Morton-Secretary 4. lones 5. Fruehauf 6. Ward 7. Cooper 8. McKee 9. Cagle 10. Wetencamp 11. Barnett 12. Wall 13. Batie-Beau 14. SIoanBeau 15. Wieland 16. Wallis 17. Massia 18. Hillman 19. FreemanVice-President 20. Bonner 21. Hol - loway 22. Yount 23. Davis 24. Bundren 25. Finley 26. Lane 27. Tucker 28. Ritchie 29. Jones 30. Burks 31. DeSelms 32. Enloe 33. Bearden 34.]. Fieldor 35. Jamison 36. R. Fieldor 37. Wright 3B. Carner 39. Strickland 40. Chism. 3. SIC TAU. 1. Thompson-Secretary 2. McQuain - Treasurer 3. HeadPresident 4. Pherne 5. Randy Smith 6. Rickard 7. S. Smith 8. Truitt 9. Clancy 10. Power 11. Dotson 12. Rod Smith 13. Hickerson 14. Garner-Queen 15. King 16. Hood 17. Still 18. E. Collins 19. James 20 . R. Collins 21. Ho stetler 22 . Yagyu 23. Hankins 24. Northam 25. Ramsey 26. Shay 27. Penrod 28. Crow. 4. SHOWING their appreciation for her support. Rod Smith and Robert Collins help Queen Vicki Garner with her meal. 5. DURING a game of "Clue," Teresa Tyree, Norma Freeman , Cliff Thompson and Regina Ward wait for Jan McQuain's next move. 81 Kappa Delta Kappa