1979-1980 Yearbook

Harding has long enjoyed . having a potpourri of staff and students bound in a single circle of fellowship. Though the entire group was able to meet for chapel this year, most daily activities were performed by much smaller groups - the Imler Circles of Harding - the most outstanding of which were the social clubs. The clubs manifested their presence at the outset of the year. Various clubs provided refreshments during registration , mixers, get-acquainted entertainment and a used-book exchange. Scattered posters, interclub softball games , and the women's clubs' Open House introduced the clubs to new students on campus. Once the clubs issued invitations to prospective members, the real excitement began. With pledge week came the usual antics , such as daybreak serenading, egg and balloon signing, outlandish dressing and much dating. The excitement peaked and ended with the ever-dreaded "rough night." As the year progressed, many of the 44 clubs worked to preserve tradition . Annual service projects were continued, and favorite brother-sister club outings were scheduled once again. Newer clubs spent the year building traditions; they invented projects and activities which no one else had planned. A few clubs decided that their traditions were limitations. Throwing off worn-out images, these clubs found new involvements. Club calendars included special events such as bowling and skating parties, hiking, canoeing and holiday celebrations. One of the biggest club events was Spring Sing '80, which involved 32 of the clubs. Most clubs participated in club sports, semi-monthly meetings and periodic devotionals. In service, clubs conducted fundraising projects for the March of Dimes, the Red Cross, the Arthritis Foundation, campaigns and a summer camp for the underprivileged. Organized social club activities got students involved in their Searcy environment. They provided for physical, social, and spiritual exercise. Most of all, these Inner Circles of 12 to 90 members are able to invent and enjoy more frequent and more varied services and activities than a body of 3000 could imagine. ~ - Snippi Cox, Editor (!!!!J ABOVE: PERFORMING ill Shantih 's Spring Sing medley, "Rockin' and Rollin', is Renee Flanagan . 61 Inner Circles Introduction