. - I 1 6 \ :,. ....; ,. Fall program features ecology A feature giving the upper grades an extra boost to the school year was the outdoor education program held in midOctober at Camp Tahkodah. This program was directed by Mr. Ed Land and gave the students a break from the routine of classroom study. The theme for the three day study was "Ecology - How Things Work Together." There was a new feature added to the elementary's devotional times. This year, instead of having just a hymn sing on Friday mornings, the fifth and sixth grade boys had the opportunity to participate. Each week, either the fifth or sixth grade class picked a value to discuss and work on. Then on Friday they conducted the allschool devotionals revolving around this value. Two special activities that added a special spark to the student body were the sports and cheerleading programs. Although these activities were limited to the upper grades, they aroused the spirit and enthusiam of the whole student body. 379 Elementary