.. E L E M E N T A R Y 378 1. SAfETY PATROl. FRONT ROW Shackelford. Clark, Kilman , Lyons, Smith , Olree , Ma ckey. SECOND ROW; Carter, White , Richey, Norwood, Taylor, A. Tate , Underwood , Slatton , Gillham, Nichols. Bolding, Rowan, Mackey. SLIDE-TOP TO BOTTOM: Johnson. /. Tate , Altman, Thomas. Elliott. Dugger, Flippin. Riser, Hou se, Corder, Barrett. Porter . 2. DAYDREAMING about after-school activities, Lacinda Carter waits for the final bell. 3. F1ITH GRADE B. FRONT ROW: Treat, Barden , Jones , Martin _ Buss. SECOND ROW: Diles , Stanley , Henson, Daughety , Dugger. THIRD ROW: Henderso fl , Myers, Cilly, McGaha , O/ree, Joiner , Howard, Isom , Mrs . Dana-EvansTeacher. CENTER: Smith. 4. QUARTERBACK Kelly Barden itlfently follows the action at a pee~ wee practice game. S. MAKING sure she tmderstands her assignment, Ashley House studies th e blackboard. 6. SIXTH GRADE. FRONT ROW: Barrett , Aldridge, Bartholomew, White , Mackey, Taylor. SECOND ROW: Carter. Clark, Corder. Dugger. Flippin. Elliott, Allman. Bogle. THIRD ROW: Gillham, Ki/mml. Hackman. Johnson , House, Lyons, Bolding. FOURTH ROW: Rowan. Norwood, Nichols, O/ree, Ridley, Porter. Riser. FIFTH ROW: Underwood , Smith. A. Ta te. Slatton. Shacke/~ ford , Thomas. /. Tate , Mr. Randy Lambeth - Teacher. 7. FlITH GRADE A. FRONT ROW: Carter, Pruitt . Cox. D. Brown . L. Brown , fads , Mackey . SECOND ROW: Boustead. Sanders , Bal/inger. Higbee. Capps. THIRD ROW: Vaughn . Cook. O/ree, Smith. Throckmortml , Bricourt . Qualls. Mrs. Betty Alston-Teacher. 8. PATIENTLY waitit rg to be called Ofl . 101m Ta te listens intently to Iris teacher. Elementary -- 1 7 ~