Staffs record year's events "Midnight! I came here at seven o'clock to work a few minutes and I ended up working a few hoursl" This was a common realization among many of the Petit Jean staff members who found the work surprisingly complicated . With senior Kim Capps as editor and junior Carol Coker as assistant editor, the staff included Celia Jones, senior class; Karen Flippen, honors; Steve Ballinger, sports; Tracy Romine , classes; Angie Pyland, groups; Beverly Alexander, spirit groups; Susan Wright, social clubs; Peter McCoy , phot ographer, and a general staff of Rebecca Shackelford, Kimmie Vinson, Stacy Green and }oetta Jones. Other students were not officially part of the staff but nevertheless provided muchneeded help , such as gathering information and typing . The entire group worked - often overnight - to produce the Academy section. Under the leadership of senior Amy Woodroof as editor and Renee Mathis as assistant editor, the Wildcat published five newspapers. The staff's goal was to keep the student body well -informed about the happenings involving bo th the entire school and individuals as well . 1. WILDCAT STAFF. FRONT ROW, Woodroof. Mathis, Cree" , No rwood. SECOND ROW: Miss Ruth Browni"g-Spo"sor, Smith , Pryor, Ozbim , Kreitlillg , JOlles, Lo ftin . BACK ROW: Mr. Pete McCoy-Sponsor, Edwards, Pyland, Mathis. 2. EDITOR Amy Woodroof and typist Angie Pyimld survey the layout for tile Wildcat. 3. PETIT JEAN staff looks on as editor Kim Capps expiai1l s a process for the '80 Petit Jean. 4. PETIT JEAN STAFF. FRONT ROW: George, Capps, Mathis. SECOND ROW: Posey , Bailey , Shackelford, Romine. S. Wright, ]. Jones. Woodroof. McCoy. C. Jones. BACK ROW: Coker, Ballinger. Pyland. 373 Publications