.,-- New service club assists • In many areas The Academy Service KJub was a new dub this year . The club was made up of 9-12 grade girls. The girls did services for the school and its student body throughout the year. They held a panc..ake breakfast for the dorm girls, and a fish fry for the dorm boys. They sold pens and pencils in the office, and were definitely an asset to the school. The foreign language club greatly increased in size this year. Mrs. Mary Ann Harris, sponsor, led the club in activities such as Harding University's Foreign Language Festival in the sp ring. 1. DISCUSSING schoo l matters over the phone lIas become a daily routine for Principal Bill Diles. 2. ASK. FIRST ROW: Mathis , Coker, Wel/s, K. W right , Erw;lI , Smith. SECOND ROW: Pittman , Canno ,z , Lof tin , Finley , Romine, Alexander. THIRD ROW: Pryor, S. L Wright , Campbell, Holder, JOll es , Carter . BACK ROW: Pyland, Norwood , Mrs. Marie Y;nglingSponsor, Vinson , O 'Brien , Cook, White , Berry . 3. FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLUB. FRONT ROW: Callaway , McCastlaill , Cantl on , Brooks. SECOND ROW: Woodroof , Vinson , Capps , S. P. Wright , M . Wright , Mrs . Mary AmI HarrisSponso r, Berry , Holder, L Harris . BACK ROW: Romine, Pyland, Selby , Bryant, Suzuki. 4. DISCUSSING a project for the girls' service club. sponsor Marie Y;IIglil1g and member Tonita Finley loo k over a project plan , 369 Special Interests