1979-1980 Yearbook

.- G R o U P 5 368 Key clubs work to better school Under the sponsorship of a new faculty member , Coach Gary Rhodes, the Key Club developed several new projects. One was the showing of a movie to raise money. Since a major purpose of the Key Club was service to the school, president Jim Lankford suggested the purchasing of new song books for the auditorium and new equipment for the athletic department. A tradition was begun with members of the Key Club leading the chapel assembly in reciting the pledge of allegiance each Wednesday. Since the Key Club was a project of the Searcy Kiwanis Club, every Thursday the local group invited several Key Club members and a sponsor to eat lunch with them. 1. SENIOR KEY CLUB. FRONT ROW Hackrna" , Coach Gary Rhodes-Sponsor , Kiilml. BACK ROW: Sosebee , Berry, Lankford, Frankliu , Pryor, Burkett , Alston. 2. CARREN CLARK reigm as the 1979-80 Senior Key Club queen. 3. JUNIOR KEY CLUB. FRONT ROW Bailey. Spears, Rowml , JOhtIS01I , Fox , AI/en , Bmlks. SECOND ROW: Clevenger, Bardell , Smith . Thomas. Anderson , Bames , Walker . THIRD RO W: Britto" . Kreitling , Curry , lones , Daughety, Creel. BACK ROW: Story , Corbin , Howel/ , Sosebee, White , Coach Dennis RineSpoll so r. 4. SPONSORS Dennis Rille and Gary Rll odes discuss activ ities wifl, Key Club preside"f Jim Lankford alld Ir. Key Club president Mike Britton. Speciaiinterests