1979-1980 Yearbook

FAR LEFT: PREPARING to b"ok ground for tile new Acarlemy bllild· illg, various admin;"rrators and civic leaders receivE' sllovels. BELOW: AS· SORBED ill a groundbreakit18 speech, Mr. Pete McCoy listells to plans for tile /lew bllilding. Everyone came together to at- crises. The President's calls for tend the groundbreaking cere- draft registration to provide a monies for the new Academy on stronger defense and the Olympic October 11, 1979. Not only did boycott to protest the Soviet invathe entire student body and facul- sian of Afghanistan met with ty attend, but many . parents, general approval. alumni and prominent citizens But the crisis which most afwere present to hear various ad- fected the students' lives was the ministrators and city leaders energy crisis. For those senior high speak on the new beginnings students who were drivers, the gas represented by that project. crunch meant curtailing their drivAlthough world events some- ing, not only for conservation times seemed remote, a common reasons, but simply to avoid the interest of most students was cur- drain on their pocketbooks. And rent events. A surge of patriotism, everyone felt the shortage as brought on in part by the crises in government regulations kept the Iran and Afganistan , was felt temperature in the school building throughout the student body. The at a chilly 65 degrees in winter and Wildcat newspaper, which con- a sweltering 78 in summer. ducled a poll among the sopho- The Academy section recalls mores, juniors and seniors to only the essence of school activiregister their feelings about the ties, leaving it to the individual to crises, found that the overwhelm- recapture his own personal iming majority of students favored pression of the events which took President Carter's position on the place around him. ~ - Kim Capps, Edilor ~ 319 Academy Introduction