1979-1980 Yearbook

30 Sound of Music The foothills of the Ozarks are alive with the Sound of Music Playing to an audience condi· tioned to Julie Andrews and still harboring mental images of the Alps, the Harding drama department began groundwork on the homecoming play, ' 'The Sound of Music," early in the fall semester. Interest in the musical was widespread from the outset, and audition schedules filled so rapidly that director Charles Parker was forced to close the tryouts. The final count neared 140 who auditioned. Senior Bob Perkins, cast as Captain Von Trapp, commented, "The turnout for auditions was very encouraging, because those who tried out weren't just the regulars, but also people who had seen something in the (drama) department that they wanted to be a part of." Senior Vicki Durrington captured the sought-after role of