1979-1980 Yearbook

Stepping Out A neuJ profession The men of the Christian Communications Program came from diverse backgrounds. Unlike most of the students in the regular University program, many of the men were professionals before PLANNING for tlleir work in Hopkins, Minnesota, Mike Smith, David Compton. Alan Mayes, Joe Orodo and David Sutherland discllss campaign tecJmiques. Joe Jon•• ThO, Dir•• Searcy, AR Ed Sander. MA, Dit. • Searcy, AR Herman Carroll Ar,ndale • Hixson, TN Stuart Elgin Baile, • Sudbury, Ontario Jimmy Ray Byrd • Del Volle, TX Danny Girard Campbell. Joshua Tree, CA David Alby Compton • Broken Arrow, OK Henry Edward Daman II • Tulsa, OK James Dean Duvall· Tuckerman, AR Michael Wayne Gardner • Searcy, AR David $eoff Hayden • EI Paso, TX Homer Eugene Jaekson • Hattiesburg, MS Kyle Dean Kiser. Abilene: TX Peter Lord. Christchurch, New Zealand Jeffrey Alan Lovin • Tulsa, OK Alan Wayne Mayes • Anderson, IN Johnie Lee McMillian • Pensacola, Fl Don Chari.. Miller. Son Antonio, TX CCP coming to Harding. Leaving occupations such as pharmacy, veterinary medicine, truck driving and ranching, they came to enter the intensive two-year program in Bible. Most of the CCP students intended to work full-time for the Lord after graduation. cess to library facilities and getting to know future professionals. David Sutherland, working previously as a high school band director, became part of the CCP in fulfillment of a commitment made by him and his wife to "work full-time in the kingdom." He considered the greatest asset of the program to be the faculty. "It was a grtat thing to be able to learn under men who ~ totally dedicated, noJ,.Ijust to religion, but to Jesus and nave put their whole lives into serving Him," he said. He cited also the advantages of attending a preacher's school on a regular college campus, having acUnlike Sutherland, 24-year-old Steve Parker entered the program as a single man. Having spent two of his three college years studying psychology at North Texas State University, he realized that "ps:y:chology at a secular school was not answering questions, but presenting them. I realized the answers were in the scriptures. I entered the CCP to learn the Bible, not so, much to preach." Under the direction of Ed Sanders, the CCP graduated 16 men in 1978-79. Designated into classes of Delta, Epsilon and Zeta, the graduates were employed by various congregations, went to overseas mission fields or formed teams which moved into various locations in the United States. - Kay Williams Brvtus Moore • Jacksonville, NC Larry Steve Myers • Mill Creek, OK Joseph Lewis Orvelo • Ypsilanti, MI Bobby Gene Parks • Von Buren. AR Joseph Alexander Pawlowski • Jacksonville, NC Jeffrey Perry· Tuckermon , AR kevin Dean Rayner. Clinton, OK Thomas Raymond Ream • Bokersfield, CA Larry Norman Roberts. Abingdon, VA Michael John Smith • Noble, OK Donny David Stewart. Ardmore, OK Arthur Marvin Sutherland • EI Poso. TX Floyd David Sutherland • Benton, KY James Allan Tenery • Duncanville TX Ihys Nelson Thomos • Norman, O'K Stephen Randall Triplett • Blytheville, AR Kenneth Wayne Walton • Jonesboro AR William Stanley Webb • Pine Bluff. AR 315 Christian Communications Program