", , - Centerpieces RA's: the chosen few I f you lived in campus housing, you had one, unless you were one. Some were more visible than others. but each took care of the same duties: room check, planning devotionals and pig-out parties, leaving pink slips, letting you in when you came back late at night and helping you out with the minor and major crises that cropped up , Who were they1 The resident assistants, commonly MAKING the rounds , second floor Keller Residen, Assistant Albert Durgi" performs Q nightly chore - room check. called RA's. What were the benelits1 The material ones were a sum of money paying for their room each semester, applied directly to their account, and a bonus for coming early and staying late . But "it 's not ~orth the pay:' said Jennifer Boustead, a New Dorm RA . "You've got to be dedicated to doing it and care about the girls ." Were there any drawbacks? "Sleepwise, " said Joe Hamilton, an Armstrong RA. "You've got to quiet the halls down at night. " Others said that working late and unlocking doors in the morning infringed on their sleep . What was it like in the freshman dorm? "It's a challenge," smiled Janet Holden 01 Cathcart. Because 01 the newness 01 college lile, "the girls looked to me for answers ." But any apprehensions faded quickly . 'They've grown a lot," Freshmen Aya W.bb • Campbell, TX Donna Webb • N. Little Roc~ llrtI W.bb • Elm Grove , LA ., lane W.bb • Elm Grove , LA .... W.lch • EI Dorado, AR leoftard W.,t • Jefferson City, MO NidI W......, • EI Dorodo, AR ...., Whets• • • Alvord , TX ....., Wllift • Ft . Wayne , IN Merle Will;,. • Seurcy , AR T...... Wllit• • Goodletsville , TN C,nllia Wlliteford • South Bend, IN o.d, Whitfi.1d • Jacksonville, AR Wy Wieland • Austin , TX G.yid t~iggiq • Memphis, TN a.ck Will.... Judsonia , AR G.yid ". ... Clavis, CA I.indi Wi"', • West Monroe , LA LiM WiIMIII•• Madison, TN ,."'" WiNialll, • Struthers, OH """11 WillialllS • Newpor t, AR lock, Willia. , • Springdale, AR liMIIerly "'aon • Memphis, TN MicMeI Will.... Calhoun , GA I.rt Willon • Ketchikan , AK Dnid ..... ny • Heber Spr ings , AR Gil. W~.r • Valdosta, GA a.n Wood • Hope , AR J...."... Wood • Pangburn , AR J.... Wood • Hof Springs, AR MidMteI Wood • Roland, OK .... Wood • Modison Heights , MI ArttMtr Wood•• Corning, AR .... Word • l ittle Rock , AR IMry Womodl • l ittle Rock , AR sa.ron Wrigllt • Seorcy , AR I., W.,_riidl • St . Petersburg, FL 'oNito T..,_ • Tokyo, Jopon r.. ott., Y,tll • Memphis, TN LiMa Y.....ood • Nashville, TN Ginter YeWell • Montgomery , AL SIIerry TONt • Crowder , OK she remarked . Hamilton had the same experiences, "I didn' t think they'd rely on me that much," he said. ''They complained about their studies, how hard they were. They needed encouragement about that. " He , too, saw a change . "There's a distinct d ifference in the guys," he commented . "A lo t took on the characteristics of their clubs. " If the pay was no t terrific , the hours were long, and there was less personal time , what made it worthwhile? 'Tm doing it because I like talking to people and helping people," said Contessa Moore , a New Dorm RA. Hamilton summed up by saying, "I'm expected to be there and I like to be there . I leel like if I'm not helping the students any, I've not done my job ." - Laura Brown ~ 309 Ta ylor-Yount