1979-1980 Yearbook

- Oase-ups Just one of the guys The new campus minister for College church, Ron Highfield, was not a new face on campus. A 1973 Harding graduate, Highfield worked closely with Terry Smith, his predecessor, for a year and a half . This experience INTERACTING with studellts, Ron Highfield leads a life session, olle of the many facets of his job. and that of having worked in Philip, West Virginia as an associate minister after graduation gave him confidence in his new position. "[ think the Lord has prepared me for this ministry ," he said. "I grew up in the church and I think I've struggled with the problems that people are struggling with here." Teaching a Sunday morning Bible class, counseling and getting out on campus, Highfield hoped to help students "see the difference between going through the motions and a real mature faith." Clad in cotton jeans, aT-shirt and jogging shoes , Ron blended in well with college students. "My job is not to change people," he said. "It's to be with them and to love them, and to share what God had done for me. If you're out to change people, what Freshmen '.rry Sim•• Mayfie:d, KY Jeffrey SisSOM • Memphis , TN JiM...y Sit••• little Rock , AR limberly Sitler. W. Chicago, IL Lou,. Sitler • Pena Blanca, NM htrina Shhon • Crystal River, FL Ch.ryl Sloon • APO New York, NY l.nn.tfI Sm.I•• r • Tuscaloosa , AL Artflur Smjtfl • Germantown , TN K.nn.th Smith • Great Falls, MT 'ol.ta Smith • Haleyville, AL I.becca Smith • Dayton, OH lodn.y Smith • Clinton , AR Seo", Smitfl • Sulphur, LA t.resa Smith. Yorktown , IN Lisa Solomon. Millbrook, AL M.li.... $pHrmon • Valdosta , GA ..... Sperry • Roscoe, IL .....I••n Spill....n • Judsonia, AR 1ort:M.,. Stamp•• Springdale , AR Paul Startts • Florence, AL CAth.rine St.in • Spencer, WV Seo" St.".ns • Malvern , PA Doug_. St••art • Oronge, TX Jeanne St•••rt • Montgomery, AL t ..... St•••rt • Camden, AR Vicley St••• rt • Hermitage, TN Cynthia Still•• Harrison, AR you ' re going to do is change them into your image. Whereas, if you love them, God will change them into His. " - Kay Williams ~) hr.n St.i..... Sherwood, AR Soo Lin Stone • Westminster , CA W..... Ann Stone • Hope , AR Jeffr.y Sutfl.rtancl • Plano , TX J.ffr.y 5f.t"on • Marion , lL Gr." S... ring.n • Cloverdale, IN Nona 11m Swink • Litt le Rock, AR Linda Synco • Stuttgart , AR Gordon Tacle." • Russellville, AR Owan. Tanhral.y • Memphis, TN Antflony Tann.r • Russellville, AR Marvin Tapp • Lubbock, TX Su.an Tat•• Searcy, AR Coll••n Tatom • Arlington, WA 307 Reeves-Tatom