1979-1980 Yearbook

1. SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS Galaxy and Ju Go Ju "Ham It Up" during their rendition of "At the Slop." 2. PREPARED to pig out, Kathy Taylor listens intently to preM show instructions from director Rick lytle. 3. BLOWING KlSSES from a swing; lee Farrar as "Miss Piggy" brings on a rousing finale to the winning show. 4. THE 1979 hosts and hostesses, laurie Robinson, Tim Holder, Tim Smith and Leigh Ellen Pigg, combine in singing "Good Times, Good Music, Good Friends." 5. FRONTlINERS for Chi Sigs and Regina, Vickie Durrington and Bob Perkins show deep expression while singing "New York Vision." 6. FIRST RUNNERS-UP Chi Sigma Alpha and Regina present "New York, New York," Galaxy, du Go du: A pig's night out 5 napping King's Men's and OEGE's three-year winning streak, Galaxy and Ju Go /u took the 1979 Spring Sing sweepstakes honors with their production, "Ham It Up." Dressed as pink pigs in blue shorts and vests Galaxy and Ju Go Ju appeared with 21 other clubs throughout the five performances, April 12-14. For the first time ever the Spring Sing schedule called for two matinees in order to accomodate the 3000 Youth Forum guests on campus. Winning Combination Combining imagination and wit the Galaxy and /u Go /u porkers placed first in four categories: theme, music, costume and choreography. In music "Ham It Up" included popular songs with the words slightly changed. Instead of dancing at the 'hop' the pigs loved it "At the Slop." The little "Surfer Girl" grew into "Porker Girl" and "Fat's the Way I Like It" became a battle cry. A special appearance was made by 'Miss Piggy' in the dosing moments of the show. lowered on a swing from the stage rafters, Galaxy'S Lee Farrar portrayed the popular swine and blew kisses to the audience. Consistently Second Hanging close to "Ham It Up" in judging was "New York, New York" by Chi Sigma Alpha and Regina. The brother and sister club depended on a second place in both music and choreography to grab first-runners-up designation in sweepstakes. As a salute to the "big apple" the production was able to take advantage of many songs having the city as the subject. "Nights on Broadway" and "New York Groove" were two such songs put to use. Placing third in the twelveshow review waS TNT and Zeta Rho. A princess-and-the-frog theme guided their production "Love the One. You're With." A new twist was added to the age-old tale, however. As the princesses of Zeta Rho kissed the TNT frogs there was a flash of light. When the smoke cleared, instead of handsome princess standing in the frog's places, a new frog stood where each princess had been. Rounding out the top five were Chi Lambda Chi and Alpha Gamma Omega with "Celebrate," a salute to Spring Sing, and Knights and Phi Delta presenting "Rollin' On The River." Omega Phi acquired first in participation with 80 percent of their members aSSisting in "All Strung Out." Other dubs and themes were: King's Men and Oege, "Luck Be A Lady"; Theta Psi, "Fountain Fantasy"; Kappa Phi and Tri-sigma Alpha, "A Star Is Born"; Alpha Epsilon Chi and Tri-Alpha, "Rain or Shine"; Tofebt and Fraters, "Star Gazer"; Shantih, "let's Rock 'n Roll." (continued on page 26) 25 Spring Sing