.--- Speech and Drama Speech skills stimulated events which affected the whole student body. The station also covered Bison and intramural games play-by-play. Information for their newscasts came from the United Press International wire service. An AM station broadcasting at 720 ki lohertz on the dial, KHCA has tentative plans for becoming an FM station in the future. KHCA's air times for the year were 6:30 to 8:45 a.m. and ~;OO p.m.to 12:00 a.m . "The purpose of Campus Players is two fold, " said President Scott Cody. "It is an honorary group for drama students involved in theatre. But we also try to help the department heads with projects they don 't have time to work on themselves. " In accordance with this, the group sponsored the one acts of the first semester and did the publicity work for the major drama productions of the year . Although the club did not meet regularly, the members all worked on various drama projects. Some of their efforts included the building of the sets for the plays and acting as crew fillers for the (continued from page 219) directors. in addition to the publicity work for all the department's undertakings. One of the major contributions made by the club was its function of keeping drama before the students. "I think we have helped the student body to have a better view of drama," stated Susan Moore. Julie Swann commented, "We also helped to achieve a sense of unity within the drama department. " Working with Cody were Larry Boston, vice-president , and Susan Wallace, secretary-treasurer. Stating his feelings about his involvement with the group, Cody said, "Sometimes it's frustrating. We didn't plan to get together and work on this play or that play. But we were there and it was done. Campus Players is more of a fellowship - it's the drama club. We' re active to some part; we're honorary to some part; but it's more of a fellowship." WJ LEFT: SPORTS DIRECTOR Tim Hamilton broadcas ts the campus sports news. RICHT: KEEPINC students up-lo-date 0 11 campuso{ogy is Gus Villarreal,