1979-1980 Yearbook

· .. - Speech skills stimulated (contirtued from page 217) members and cast members of 'The Sound of Music. " First place finishes Competing in 12 tournaments, the Debate Team, or Forensics Squad, continued a Jongestablished habit of winning. The squad took first in elimination debate fOtmds at the University of Arkansas-Fayettville, Southwest Baptist, Western Kentucky University, the University oC Central Arkansas and Pittsburgh State University. In sweepstakes competition, Harding won first at UCA, third at Louisiana Tech University and fourth at Fayetteville. Senior squad members Jeff Hobbs and Bob Chandler capSpeech and Drama tured second place at the Naval Academy Tournament in Annapolis, Maryland. Winning the Arkansas State Tournament in 1979, the squad made plans to attend the 1980 tournament. They also planned to compete in the 1980 Pi Kappa Delta regional convention. Speech therapy clinic The Student Speech and Hearing Association and the Dactylology Club fulfi lled their purposes of aiding handicapped individuals and providing additional educational experience to members. In service to the community, members of SSHA conducted a speech therapy clinic which was open 30 hours a week. Therapy sessions were free to students faculty and children of facult; members. For persons from the community, a small fee was charged by the clinic for operating costs. No funds went to the students. At the beginning of the year the SSHA had a cookout to welcome new members. Throughout the year they had occasional card parties to give members a chance to get to know each other better. In the spring semester the group went to Memphis to investigate the graduate program for speech therapists at Memphis State University . They also conducted a similar trip to Ole Miss in Oxford, Mississippi. On February 20 association members went to Memphis again to attend the Mid-South Conference for speech therapists and audiologists. Later in the spring the group displayed information about the speech clinic and implemented other publicity activities in Searcy. They made plans to also proSPEECH THERAPY major Teresa Yost uses puppets to work with her therapy studellts.