' 'Deaf Children and Chimpanzees: A Comparative Sociolinguistic In - vestigation" for publication in Nonverbal COnmlUl'licatioll Today: Currellt Research. He also coached the forensic teams that brought back more than 100 awards from 15 tournaments. Charles Parker directed the cast of Chekhov's "Four Vaudevilles" that won the Arkansas Division of the American College Theatre Festival. With the win the cast represented Arkansas at the Pi Kappa Delta , the forensics honor society, remained active with members entering the national Pi Kappa Delta tournament in St. Loui s . The team of Bob Chandler and Jeff Hobbs had the second highest wi n record a t the tournament, and the Harding delegation was awarded Superior in sweepstakes. Chandler represented the lower Mississippi Province at the national convention held in conjunction with the tournament. 'Campus Players is more of a fellowship - it is the drama club. We are ~ctive to some part; we are honorary to some part; but it is more of a fellowship. - Scott Cody regional festival in Ft. Worth. Sp ring Sing was directed by Dr. Jack Ryan who also took a group of studen ts to the Spring Ozarks Interpretation Festival in Springfield, Missouri. Bill Brant 's students in mass communications participated in four contest in Radio-TV and won four fir st place and five second place awards. Superior debaters PERFORMING together for a chapel program are Alpha Psi members Karl Wendt and Robin Carmon. Hobbs served as president of Pi Kappa Delta with Chandler bei!!g vice-president. Philip Gould w'assec retary-treasurer; Anita Eagan wa s historian and Philip Gould was parliamentarian. Alpha Psi Omega honored students who showed continued interest and participation in drama. The national fraternity's campus chapter sponsored the one-act plays throughout the fall. semester. At Homecomj,1g Alpha Psi hosted a reception for alumni (continued on page 218)