.-- Speech skills stimulated Specific steps were taken by the Speech Department in 1979 to s trengthen its academic program. Use of a video recorder to show students examples of types of effective communication by their pee rs was introduced in Speech 101 cl asses. The curriculum in speech therapy was rev ised to accommodate the new Arkansas standards for speech therapists . The sy ll ab i fo r Speech 101 . 405 and 410 were revised. Dan Tullos, MCD, replaced linda Davis as supervisor of speech therapy. During the summer, Mor ris Ellis worked as an assistant in drama at Texas Tech University and began doctoral study in drama. Dr . Richard Walker pursued gradua te study in audiology at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock during the summer. He was a lso involved in a practicum in audi ology at the Bailey-Pappas Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic All members of the depart~ent were act ive in the Arkansas Speech Communication Associati on. Dr. Evan Ulrey , chai rman of the department, served his twelfth year as editor of the newsletter of the Association. Barton W. Stone paper Dr. Ulrey a lso directed the Arkansas Student Congress of Human Relations in Litt le Rock - "- L -- and the 1979 Harding High School Forensics Tournament in Searcy. He presented a paper, "Barton W. Stone: An American Religious Movement, " at the National Speech Commun ica ti on Assoc iation meeting in Minneapolis and served on the Nominat ing Committee and the States Advi so ry Committee. RECORDING minutes of the Pi Kappa Delta meeting. secretary Anita Eagen listens fo r new busil1ess. In addition he attended the National Pi Kappa Delta Tourna - Dr. Patrick Garner coautho red ment and Co~vention in St. Louis and chaired the Research and Public Relati ons Committee. Speech and Drama lilly Brut, Ml • Asst . Prof. PDtreda Bntnt, MEd • Instr. Morris Ellis, Mol • Asst. Prof. r.trick Genter, PlIO • Asst. Prof. o.rte. '-k." Mol • Asst. Prof . ..... I,.., PlIO • Prof. 0..1 T.... , MCD • Asst. Prof. hili Ulrey, PhO • Chairmon, Prot . lidIonI W..." PhD • Prof.