1979-1980 Yearbook

Ft. Roots Mental Hospital in Little Rock and to the Children'" Colony. in Conway. No trips were made during the fall as the club worked on solving their problems with NACSW, Mary Shock joined the faculty, replacing Bernadine Egly , who took a leave of absence. Charles joiner was appoin ted Acting Director of the SociaT Work Program. joiner attended the annual convention of the National Council on S?cial Work Education. He also aUended the annual meeting of the directors of Christian Children's Homes. Kenya Studies During the year, Dr. Van Tate prepared a team of students to go with him to conduct campaigns and anthropological studies in Kenya during the summer of 1980. He submitted an article on "Stability and Change in an African Community" for publication in Missi%gy. He also attended a workshop on Multiethical EdBIG BUDDIES, FRONT ROW p, Bouquet , B/ack, Labickas . SECOND ROW: Prince. Porterfield, S. Bouquet. S. Smith . THIRD ROW: Conner , N. WhittillgtOll . P. Dupriest, Wood, Curd, Blackshear, Grant. Petree. Browl/. Schramm, Ho/mes. BACK ROW: Hortor! . Corke, Had - dock, lOlles, C. Dupriest. SuttOl!, Mitchell , Taylor . Wi/SOil -Sponsor. N. Smith . Booth . Sills, Hydrol/ , Adkins , O. Whittington , Awtrey, Bailey. ucation in Dallas. "Children in Crisis" was the theme of a workshop conducted during the summer by joiner. Quality time The Big Buddies program, sponsored by the College church of Christ , provided young fatherless boys with an older brother figure who the boys could emulate and talk to, With 23 University students participating as big buddies, the program encouraged the big buddies to spend quality time each week with their little buddies. In addition, the ent ire group had a Ch ri stmas skating party and swimming parties in February , Ma rch and April. The group also made a trip to the Little Rock Zoo in March and had a picnic along with horseback riding at Wyldewood in April. ~ Sociology a-te. JoI.tr, MSSW • Assf. Prof., Social Work ..., SItodI, MSW • Asst . Prof., Social Work v. T.re, PlliD • Assf . Prot., Sociology