1979-1980 Yearbook

.- Faculty members earn degrees The departmental psychology organization, Psi Chi, continued to provide an additional educational avenue for students interested in psychol ogy. Induction ceremonies were in October for five new members. Eight hours of psychology with a 3.0 average on those hours was required for membership. Field trips for the organization consisted of a trip to the University of Arkan sas-Faye tteville's psychology graduate school in the fall and a visit to the Children 's Colony in Conway. The group also published a monthly Newsletter, edited by student s David Osborn and Michael Gates. Two doctors-to-be Two members of the psychology faculty ret urned from leaves of absence for doctoral study. At the beginning of the 1979 summer session , l ew Moore retu rned from a one-year leave to the University of Nebraska , having completed all requirements except the dissertation for the PhD degree in fami ly relations. Robert McKelva in returned at the opening of the fa ll semester from a two-year leave to Texas A & M University , lacking only the compl etion of the dissertation fo r the PhU-c!egree in psychology. In addition, Moore and McKelvain at tended workshops dealing with clinical hypnosis. _Following the close of the summer session , Dwight Ireland took a leave of absence to pursue the doctorate in e xperim e nt a l psychology at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Jack Thomas, chairman of the department , and Dr. Walter Porter attended Nati o n a l Sc ience Foundati on Chautauqua-type short cou rse in Kansas City on "Brain Sc ience and Mechanisms of Consciousness. " In fulfilling the requiremen ts of the short course, Dr. Thomas and Dr. Porter debated the topic, "Obesity and the Appropriate Treatment." Dr. Thomas served on the ad hoc committee of the Arkansas Psychological Associatio n that made a study of the status of undergradua te psychology programs in the state. Each semester, the associat ion used the fac iliti es at Harding for administering the state licensure examination fo r ce rtifi ca tion as a clinical psycho logist. Dr. Porter established a fund for awarding a prize to the studen t Psychology .obert Meltl_, MA • Assl Prof . Lewis M....., MAT. Assl Prof . watte, Porte,. PhD • Prof JodI TItoMa. PhD • Cholrmon , Prof. writing the best research paper on the value of the Bible in understanding the mind and behavior of man. The 1978-79 recipien t of this award was junior psychology major Chuck Bryant. f1ffil School's courses revised Accreditation of the unpergraduate major in social work by the Council on Social Work Education was the most significant achievement of the socio logy department during 1979. Word was received in July that the maximum four-yea r in - itial accreditation had been granted effective with the 1978 fall semester. Beginning in the fa ll semester, a maj or in applied sociology was offered by the department to meet the needs of students interested in corrections, administration and planning or research. The social work curriculum underwent major revision to correc t weaknesses pointed out by the CSWE on-site visitation team . Ties slashed with NACSW A requirement for junior and seni or social work majors was the Social Work Club , formerly the campus chapter of the National Association of Christians in Social Work. Harding's chapter cu t ties with NACSW because of the nati ona l organiza tion 's problems with funding and communicating with local chapters. The Social Work Club met the third Tuesday of each month during school terms. Field trips to various institutions around the state were planned fo r each month. In the spring the club went to 'Big Budddies is very meaningful and fulfilling to me because I think of all the fun times I've had when I was little and without my Dad, those fun times would be very empty. A big buddy fills that empty space.' - Steve Awtrey