.~ .- Scientists explore caves and courses Dedica ted to helping students ob tain an excellent background for graduate or professional study and developing a strong commitment to Christ, the faculty of the Physical Science Department worked closely with students in achiev ing these two goals. Dr. Don England, professor of chemistry, spoke on "Integra tion glass conversion temperatures. Juni or chemistry majors Alex Ray and Henry Farrar III worked as assistants on this prcject. Dr. James Mackey , professor of physics, con tinued work on a $90,000 gran t from the Lomanco Corporation for research on att ic ventilation vari abl es. Senior physics major Tim Simmons worked as an assistant. 'There isn't much danger in spelunking as long as you follow the rules: Have at least three dependable light sources other than your headlamp; wear the proper clothing, and travel in parties of three.' - Doug Fonv ille was appointed to serve on the Nat ion al Scie nce Founda t ionsponsored committee Members of the department attended several meetings of the Cent ral Arkansas American Chemical Society. Dr. Mackey attended the annual regional meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers. 'Chautauqua' courses Taking advantage of the NSF Chau tauqua- type sho rt courses offered at Chri stian Brothers College in Memphi s, Drs. Wilson and Mackey attended the cou rse on "Lasers and Their Application. " Dr. England attended the course on "Mechanism of Drug Action. " Dr. England served as chairman of the Premedical and All ied Health Advisory Committee. This committee assisted 2S students in gaining admi ssion to professional study for the fall of 1979 - nine in medicine, six in dent istry, four in chiropract ic, four in pharmacy, one in physical therapy and one in veterinary science. To keep ab reast of developments in the field , 0(. England attended the annual Southeastern Regional Meeting of the Allied Hea lth Profession Advisors. of Faith and Learning" at the annual Conference of Ch ri stian Schools. He and other members of the science faculty taught a course during the spring semester on "The Christian View of Science and Scrip ture." Dr. Edmond Wilson , professor of physical chemistry, received a $4 , 250 grant from Research Corporation for research on crystalDr. Wilson served as cosponsor of the Arkansas Collegia te Academy of Science. Two senior chemistry majors, husband and wife Frank and Pam Ellington Brown, served as president and treasurer, respectively, of the Collegiate Academy. Dr. England PHYSICS professor Maurice Lawson adv ises a freshman science major duro i'lg fall registratiot!. PHYSICRi SCIENCE Physical Science DM ........ PlIO • Prof., Chemistry ..........on. MS • Prof ., Physics ....... Mede". PlIO • Prof ., Physics ....... ,.,... PlIO • Prof ., Physicol Science Clffonl SIIarp, MST • Assoc. Prof., Eorth Science CenoII ,..... PlIO • Prof., Chemistry w. D....... PlIO • Choirmon, Prof ., Chemistry r-... WlsOli. PlIO • Prof ., Chemistry