Special events for PEMM Club· members began in August with a day:s retreat to Camp Wyldewood fo r games, fe ll owship and a weiner roast. Later in the fall , members participated in a float trip on the Spring River. In Septembe r the PEMM Club played a lOO-inning softball game. Playing seven inn ings at a time, the club played agai~ st five different social club teams, against a faculty team and against each o ther. Skiing at Purgatory The club had a Christmas party , "fun night" in the gym and in March made their annual ski trip to Colo rado . This year they picked Purga tory as their sk iing site. Dr. Harry D. Olree, chairman of the department , was appointed chairman of the NAIA District 17 Executive Committee. Dick John - son was chosen president of the AIC baseball coaches, and Dr . Martin was appointed a two-year term on the Carmichael Community Center Board of Directors . Ted Lloyd served a second year as president of the NAIA Track Coaches' Associat ion. ;" ~'tl GIVING helpfll l pointers to Budd y Gre(mway , A ssistal1t Professor of Pllysical Edllcation Pilil Watkills explains tile correct way to 1I0id a bow/ - i llg ball . hrylleiley.....O • Assoc . Prof . ......n- ........ MAT • Assoc . Prof . CedlIeck. MA • Assoc . Prof. J••• stead, MS • Asst. Prof . Jess lucy. MSl • Assoc . Prof Kathryn Campbell, MAT • Assoc . Prof. lob CortMrl, MEd • Assoc . Prof . David Elliott, MAT • Ass!. Prof. Le....s.er Ge........ Jr . , MEd • Instr. To. Ed Gooden, MAT • InSlr . licherd JoII......, Mid • Ass!. Prof . Teel Lloyd. MS • Assoc . Prof Wilton Morfin, EdO • Assoc . Prof. tIerry 0IrH, EdD • Chol rmon , Prof. I ..... , .. oct. MAT • Inslr . ...... , ...., MT • Assoc . Prof Marion. Iyllft. MAT • ASSI Prof . PhD Watkins. MEd • Ass I Prof.