Physical Education Ex-Bisons join staff Based on 15 years of research at Hard ing on the evaluat ion of physical fitness, Physical Educa~ tion 101, " Introduction to Physica l Activity ." became a required course of all freshman at the beginning of the 1979 fall semester. The impact of this course was readily evident in the greatly increased number of students seen jogging. All-American coaches Three former All-American athletes at Harding joined the teaching and coaching sta ffs - Butch Gardner as assistant basketball coach and Tom Ed Gooden and Ronnie Peacock as assistant footba ll coaches . Gooden and Peacock replaced Jerry Mote, who became head football coach at Searcy High School, and Cliff Sharp, who became assistant cross coun try and track coach. o Dr. Kary l Bailey , assisted by Phi l Watkins, sponsored the Physical Educa tion Majo rs and Minors Club. The club conducted clinics in racquetball, badminton and water craft. ATHLETIC D IRECTOR Har ry Olrel' Ill/d COllch Kllryl Bailey diSCI/55 Iii" sclwol s gYIIIl/aslic5 jl/"0Xr,,/II .