certs of the Orchestra. Students, staff members and community musicians composed the orchestra, with some coming from Heber Springs to participate. Replacing Travis Cox as director, Steve Campbell continued to seek orchestral excellence. He also LEFT: PEP BAND member Lisa Williams watches director ROIl Dller for tile wt off. BELOW: BAND MEMBERS Warren Alkire and Denise Mos· by play together at the olltdoors Christmas concert. sought to get more students involved in the orchestra by raising scholarship money through the selling of advertising space in the orchestra's programs. The o rchestra provided the 'musical accompaniment for the fa ll musical 'The Sound of Music. " In December they presented their annual Christmas concert in the Main Auditorium. The group's first major concert of the year came February 29 in the Benson Auditorium. They al~() entertained in chapel in April. ffr,:·: