Good m~sic, good news shared .~- several tours. 'The tour was exciting and spiritually uplifting, " said Liz Chalenburg of the February trip through Arkansas and Oklahoma. "I really enjoy having the chance to be close to the people in Chorale ;l- ' Their longest tour came in January , when the group visited Louisiana , Oklahoma and Texas making ,a stop at Lubbock to sin~ at the Christian College Choral Festival. Coming into its own Sometimes considered second to the A Cappella, the Chorale seemed just as competent, only different. "In purpose and structUfe the Chorale and A Cappella are quite similar," Dr. Ganus said . He commented that the other group had a longer tradition and attracted "more of the better voices, but we' re catching up, " "Chorale is getting better every year," A Cappella Director Davis said. Chalenburg agreed: "Chorale has begun to come into its own. " For the students who had neither time nor inclinations to sing with a major choral group, University Singers provided a more casual alternative. 'The whole attitude is 'let's iust sing and (continued from page 203) have fun,' " said Cheryl Greu. A 'Unique position'- 'They have a unique position in that they can do just any kind of music that's called for ," said Dr. Davis, director of the group. With fewer performances than other groups, the Singers had time to develop a more varied repertoire. The Singers sang at various functions, jncludin~ the Black and Go ld banquet , the Christian Awareness Seminar and several weddings. Their Christmas chapel program, when they sang "The Night Before Christmas" while garbed in pajamas, displayed the group's lighter side. Wanting visually distinct , the Singers planned a project to raise money for uniforms. They advertised on KSER radio that they were offering housework , babysitting and manual labor to the community. This presented chances for both fund raising and service. Selling A Cappella and Chorale albums supplemented their funds. Gilbert Gonzalez summed up the University Singers this way: "We're people who are willing and wanting to sing and devote our talents to bringing joy through what we sing. " (continued on page 206) COMBINED CHORUSES of A Cappella and Choral~ members sing before a clrapel audience in tire new Benson auditorium.