appointed to that position to faci li tate-the continuance of reh~arsals and possibly performances in the event of Ganus' absence, a likelihood this year due to Ganus' schedule. "We get our audiences involved more this year ," added third-year member Lynne Ketteler . "Several of 'Our songs are geared toward comedy , such as 'Can' t Stop My Leg,' 'Butt on Up Your Overcoat,' and 'Gitarzan,' during which we dress up in jungle costumes. The Belles and Beaux . consisting additionally of Tonya Hesselrode. Andy Holder . Marcia Shepherd, Mark Evans, David Wright , Frank Barber , Renee Lindsey and Robert Johnson, took a fall tour in November for five days, performing in Missouri , Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas. The most memorable event of the year , however, was the performance at the Conway Children 's Colony in January . Edwards commen ted, "With an audience composed primarily of retarded and semi-retarded teen - agers, the style of music loses its meaning, and the music itself retains value. There were 20 people in wheelchairs right below the stage, and their faces reflected pure enjoyment. " - Bruce Cook • Good mUSIC, good news shared The Music Department was visible with pub ic- performances by the various music groups. Although the department had been recognized for years in the choral area, the performances of the band and orchestra brought recognition in instrumental areas also. With Director Ken Davis, the A Cappella traveled throughout the Central and Southern states including a Thanksgiving break trip to Canada and to Fl orida during Spring break . They participa ted in a Christian College Festival at Lubbock , Texas and made their annual trip overseas to participate in International Campaigns in Wales and Scotland during the summer of 1979. Poland tour Dr. Davis then directed the A Cappella on a two-week tour of Poland under the auspices of the Gadansk Polish Medical Choir. ENTERTAINING the chapel audience, A Cappella members Scott Perkins. David Jones and Clark Roush harmonize. While in ticipa ted Poland, the group par ~ in the International GHrte a.etttt, DME • Prof. , Band Choral Festival. The joint performance of the A Cappella and Chorale in the new Benson Auditorium during chapel on Friday of the second week of the spring semester was a highlight of the year. Dr . William W. Holloway composed "An American Creed" for chorus and brass choir for the dedicati on of the new auditorium. He also composed "Prelude and Allegro for Clarinet and Piano. " For the second time, Holloway received a Distinguished Teacher Awa~d. Dr. Clift on Ganus 1I1 was active in the Arkansas Choral Directors Association. In the latter he was appointed the Arkansas representative to the Youth and Student Activities Committee of the Southwestern Division. With the assistance of Jeff Hopper, he completed the assembly of a harpsichord for the recording studio . One of the Chorale's biggest endeavors was an April 22 concert . that featured a 2S-minute Stravinsky work, "Les Noces (The Wedding). " The piece demanded accompaniment by four pianos and percussion . "It's a challenge ," Dr. Ganus observed. As usual the Chorale took (continued on page 20S) ........ c:..pHI,.' • Assoc . Instr. , Voice Sre" c.n.,MII, ..... Assoc . Instr ., Orchestra Tmil COl. MM • Asst. Prof ., Violin ...... DrniI. DIhs • Prof ., Chorol Music c:att. ..... III. OMA • Assoc . Prof ., Chorol Music .... H.....,. PhD. Prof., Music Jeff Hopper. MM • Asst. Prof " Piono Irtt T...... ~ • Chairman, Prof ., Music _ ..... II. Instr ., Music ... StweII. MM • Assoc. Prof ., Piano