, ...... - Math enrollment • Increases In the fall , the Department of Mathematics experienced a 12.8 per cent increase in enrollment over the previous year. The increase was attributed to the expanding number of majors requiring mathematics and a greater demand for employees with knowledge of computer sciel'tCe. Because of these trends the department began giving greater attention to courses in applied mathematics. Members of the mathematics faculty were active in state and national mathematics societies. Dr. Dean B. Priest, chairman of the department, served as president of the Arkansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics. He spoke at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Nameof-Site Meeting in Nashville , Tennessee in November and in Seattle in April. Dr. Bill O ldham spoke at the NCTM Name-of-Site Meeting in Cocoa Beach, Florida in October. Dr. Harmon Brown directed the local ACTM's high school mathematics contest in the spring of 1979, with more than 200 participating. He also wrote the examination for the state advanced algebra contest. 'The increase in the number of math students this year was caused by the increase in those interested in co mpu ter-related fields. The job market for those in computer fields has increased, making a larger demand for workers.' - Dr, Dean Priest During the summer the university replaced its DEC-DPD 11 / 45 computer with a larger and more efficient 11 / 70 model. Gene Dugger, Director of Computing, attended meetings in New Orleans and Chicago. Several students accompanied Dugger to the New Orleans meeting. lffitl COUNSELING students, instructor of mathematics A/an Whitten fulfills one of his many jobs. Mathematics ,.., ...., MA Asst . Prof .• Mathematics _ ...... PIoD Assoc . Prof., Mathematics Go.. Dono., MS Asst. Prof., Computing _-"',MS Asst . Prof ., Computing IIIDW11ooo.ldD Prof ., Mathematics __.,PIoD Chairman, Prof ., Mathematics Sft•• SIIitII, PIID Prof ., Mathematics b .... _ •• MIlI Assoc. Prof ., Mathematics 'II. Wllitte., Mid InSlr .. Mathematics