1979-1980 Yearbook

· , ,",--"'- Language students taste foreign cy.Itures I n order for a new culture to be taught, the flavorings which distinguish the foreign land must be presented,as well as the mechanics of the language. Harding's Modern Foreign Language Department offered students many opportunities through the Los Conquistadores and Le Cercle Francais clubs to learn of the characteristics of the Spanish- and French-speaking peoples. The summer of 1979 saw Spanish students in Venezuela and Puerto Rico absorbing the culture first hand. The group of 18, accompanied by assistant professor of Spanish· Ava Conley and her husband, Bill, spoke Spanish exclusively as they shared the gospel of Christ in homes, on street corners and at church gatherings. "Mission work and campaigns are an important part of our program," said Mrs. Conley, a past recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award who had made several previous trips to Mexico and Latin America. "Mastering another language offers an even greater opportunity to share Christ." Venezuelan challenge To promote mission work in Venezuela, the Conleys prepared a slide show, "The Venezuelan Challenge," and presented it at the Pan American Lectures in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and later in the United States. Spanish Club President Julie Phelps, a senior who participated in the Venezuelan evangelistic effort, explained, "Just a taste of the culture helps to understand more and communicate better, and visiting the country helped in understanding the culture." Back on home soil, activities throughout the year supplemented classroom learning. Los Conquistadores felt that a major part of any cultural education had to include the sampling of the native cuisine. The members culti vated their Mexican palates, beginning with a banquet in October. They invited Spanishspeaking people in the Searcy area to take part. Authentic Spanish dishes were served to the 55 in attendance . Sharing their second language, Spanish students sponsored a Foreign Language Awareness Foreign Languages AN Conley, MA Asst. Prof. , Spanish ...... Helot.., MA A$soc . ProL, German Dorotlty Wrlglot, Dr. del'UoI.. nIt. Assoc. Prof ., french Winfm Wrlglot, Dr. del'UoI_mit. Chairman, Prot, french