1979-1980 Yearbook

duct a Bible study in Spanish. In preparation for the 1980 campaign, the group had extensive song practice and spent time having each person give practice Bible lessons in Spanish. Group members would practice teaching methods on each other and role play. To promote cnhesiveness within the group , the Venezuelan campaigners would occasionally have life-group type sessions. Sometimes on Friday nights they would ~eet just for a time of "fun and games," according to group leader Alberto Acosta. Twelve people participated in Venezuelan Campaigns during the summer of 1979. The group concentrated on conducting study sessions with people ..... who had already been contacted by the Christians in Venezuela. "One of the things we emphasize is followup work," said Acosta. Through their follow-up work, 11 people were converted during the group's s tay in Venezuela, reported Acosta. IT , ADDRESSING tile stude/zt body, Paul Faulkner slJares the Word ill chapel services all the front lawl!.