........ -Work 'sponsored at home, abroad The Bible Department continued to implement its two basic objectives, providing Biblical instruction each semester to every student enrolled in Harding University... and providing additional instruction and educa tional experiences for students maioring in Bible, Biblical languages, missions, and religious education. Bible Various ~jnars, workshops, and lecfureships were conducted throughout the year to provide special experiences for young men planning to preach. A number of guest speakers was brought to campus to enrich the Timothy Club meetings and various mission group meetings. 'Let the Earth T.. Ale......... MTII • Instr., Bible ........... MII.IIlID • Assoc . Prof ., Bible ............ PlIO • Prof ., Doctrine HIlt Cloer. Mn. • Asst . Prof ., Bible TOIII E..... MTII • Asst. Prof ., Bible & Hebrew COIIII'd Hay'. ID • Prof. , Bible ............... • Assoc. Prof., Bible etow.I ........ 10 • Visiting Prof., Missions &lea I.... &lD • Prof., Bible Jerry ....... TIID • Chairman, Prof ., Preaching J" J..... IIA • A-sst. Prot., Bible 1tIcMnI ..... U • Assoc. Instr ., Bible A........... MA • Asst. Prof., Bible D-. Mce:.,IMII. "D • Assoc . Prof., PhilosophV ...... 1IcIiIIItty.1IA • Asst. Prof ., Greek L. Y. Htihr. M1'II • Asst. Prof ., Bible .... Pryer. T1IO • Prof .• Bible Ed ...... MA • Asst. Prof. , Bible Hear His Voice' In July was a church leaders workshop, a counseling workshop, and a death and dying workshop. A 4-in-1 workshop took place August 7-9 with workshops for preachers , elders , 'women and prison ministers. A preacher's forum was conducted March 20 on "Elders: A Biblical View." In February, a two-day seminar on "Biblical Human Sexuali ty" was sponsored with the assistance of the Psychology Department and the Student Association. " The 56th annual lecturE ship on October 2-5 developed the theme , "Let the Earth Hear His Voice." Campaigning around the world The Mission / Prepare program involved at least 340 students in campaigns throughout the world during the summer of 1979. More than 200 baptisms were reported during the campaigns and more came later. JOY, FRONT ROW, HW, M, SmUh , SECOND ROW: Jones Pfeifer Wilemon , Baker, Gorreli, Tucker: THIRD ROW: Horton . Curtis , S. Smith, Skipper. Cole. Braddock, Keathley. BACK ROW; Salmon, Kinkaid. The May Campaigns conducted by the College church in Arkansas involved 127 students. International Campaigns, also directed by the College church , involved 86 students in Brazil , Holland , Germany , Switzerland, England , Scotland and Wales. In addition , the A Cappella toured Poland and the British Isles and the Chorale toured Spain, Switzerland and Portugal. The Venezuelan campaign in-' valved 10 students; Campaigns Northeast and Southeast involved 24 students, and Campaigns Northwest involved 12 students. Doing medical missions in the Cameroons and Nigeria were 11 students from the nursing program. Approximately 50 other students were involved in campaign work in Austria, Australia and other places. Accompanying these students were a number of faculty members from the Bible Department and o ther departments of the University. New faculty Howard Horton, who spent eight years as a missionary in Japan, was the visiting missionary for 1979-80. James Walters joined the Bible facu lty in August and Richard King was added in January . Both of these men were completing the MA degree at the Harding Graduate School in Memphis.